Lines of Action

Lines of Action ( LOA) is a board game in the category abstract strategy game for two players from the game designer Claude Soucie. The publication of the rules of the game dates back to 1969, when it was first published game box 1988. In the German edition of Hexagames LOA was on the Game of the Year - shortlist 1988.


LOA has its beginnings in a large spread experienced by the publication in Sid Sacksons A Gamut of Games 1969 ( in German Games unlike other 1983). In North America, it gained in insider circles a certain notoriety, while Europe remained largely unknown.

In recent years, similar as it turns out in chess that excellent computer programs can beat the human player. At present the world's best LOA player is a software called MIA. MIA has triumphed at the 8th, 9th and 11th Computer Olympiad game.

Claude Soucie, the inventor of LOA is long since deceased, during his match increasingly moved more people. Certain questions of detail in the rules had to be clarified. The game designer Sid Sackson was Claude Soucie very close, so his proposals have been accepted in most disputes.



Lines of Action is played on a standard chess board. Also makes use of the same alphanumeric notation for the rows and columns.

Each player moves twelve tokens that are placed in the initial position shown in the graphic:

Rules for pulling and hitting

  • Players take turns, Black begins.
  • The stones can be moved horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
  • A game piece moves exactly as far as to stones - and enemy - are on the train line, ie on the row, or diagonal, along which the stone is pulled. The draw stone counts with, as one might in this train chipped stone.
  • A piece may end his train on the field of an opponent's stone. That is fought with it and is removed from the game.
  • A checker may jump over its own pieces, but not theirs.

Aim of the game

  • The game goal is to bring your own game pieces that are still on the board, in a coherent formation. This relationship of the stones should be obtained in all eight directions, horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
  • If this profit condition is satisfied simultaneously for both players, this is subject to the agreed version control, either a draw or a win for the withdrawing player.
  • If a player of the last but one stone is captured his last stone is considered as a coherent group, and that player wins (if the opponent is not at the same time his stones also connects ).

In the below chart, White has just moved b6 - c7 and meets the requirement to win it.


On the chart below Black's train. White threatens to win in two moves:

  • A2 -c2
  • C2 - e2

What can Black do?

The train b4 -d2 would help white. On this line would be found then three stones, which would allow White to move a2 -d2 and win it.

By instead b3 -c2 is drawn with the aim of blocking the horizontal line 2 for white, he is offered the opportunity a2: to play d5, which previously was not possible.

By pulling b4 -b2, black blocked the line 2, without opening the diagonal. However, White can respond with c5 b4 what the winning move a2 -a3 threatening. Black has been reversed not a winning move.

Black could also c8: f5 and pull the stone g5 severed from the remainder of the white group. White can it but g5 - f6 drag and renew the threat of it.

Try more possible moves, sharpens the eye for the subtleties of this game.


The Board Game Zen l' initié (DJ Games) based on the same game mechanics as LOA: Drag and aim of the game are identical. The board includes 11x11 fields and the placement of the initial position is changed. In addition, there is also a neutral red square that can be moved or captured by both players. As long as he is in the game, he has to belong to a winning position.

Zen l' initié has been presented for the first time at the Festival des jeux de Cannes 1997. At the request of the widow of Claude Soucie, manufacturers have added his name on the box.

Like the original Lines of Action is scrambled eggs (translated: scrambled eggs ) on an 8x8 board with 12 stones of each color played. The stones are placed at game start again along the edges leaving out the corner squares, but alternately, a white and a black stone. The other rules are the same.
