Link exchange

A text link exchange is the linking of two websites with each other using a normal text-based HTML hyperlink. As a link partner participating sites are designated.


A text link exchange has to pull the goal of finding new streams of visitors from the linking page to the linked page. In addition, the method for search engine optimization as part of the link building is used. The link is then used for improving the ranking of the linked website in the search results. This results from the functioning of search engines. This look from the web pages for links to the one the number of inbound links to determine in this way to a certain page, but at the same time to match the link text with the contents of the target page. This principle of link popularity is to assess the goal of a page's importance in a particular context ( query).


There are several forms of link exchange.

Reciprocal Link Exchange

The easiest -to-use type is the reciprocal link exchange: In this case, two websites are linked directly to each other.

Non -reciprocal link exchange

When non-reciprocal link exchange more than two sites are involved - in the simplest case, three. A person engaged in this case either several web projects in different domains or he has called link exchange projects. These projects are only used to set links to other websites, to thereby obtain from the partner backlinks to his main project.

Another possibility is to link with several partners to create a link exchange network, for example, the person A can link to C, C Link Partners linked to B and B to A.

The aim of the three-way links is to make the link exchange for search engines harder to see. Work together, the more different link partner on the network, the more difficult it is for search engines to track down these networks.


If initially only the number of inbound links counted by the search engines, the method of the search engines due to the rapidly evolving spam have been continuously refined. In addition to the Mitbewertung the link text today also the link type plays a role. For reciprocal links from non -reciprocal links are distinguished from search engines often, making it difficult to exchange links.

Sharing networks and article directories

To simplify the text link exchange exist filesharing. These can be managed in manually and divide commercial and non- commercial automated systems as well. Participants run the risk of being classified negative with search engines, as the operator of a search engine could theoretically occur as a link exchange partners themselves. Nevertheless, link exchange, apart from the purchase of links, currently still used as an effective tool for search engine optimization.

For a time, even article directories to generate links were used, there will be links swapped content. However, the search engines such links are not worth very much more.

Link exchange programs

A link exchange program is a software that supports the text link exchange for website operators or search engine optimizer. The focus here is the management of links and link partners, as well as the acquisition of new partners. Link exchange programs violate most of the guidelines of search engines.


The term link partner can not be protected as a trademark pursuant to a decision of the German Patent and Trademark Office, as it is generally descriptive.

  • Online Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization