
The key word method, method replacement word or keyword method is a mnemonic method to efficiently and long term learning vocabulary.


The memory or mnemonics based on the association of old and new. In addition, the brain can take pictures and impressive rich ideas easier to remember than abstract learning material. The key word method is based on different brain - friendly principles:


A word from the native language, which sounds similar to learning vocabulary is the key word. From the keyword and the meaning of the word, an image is created in the mind. However, the keywords may also come from any other language, even from the target language itself



The keyword method has been tested in several studies. According to Atkinson and Raugh (1975 ), the effectiveness of the method, the higher the more similar is the language to learn the native language. You could get three days of 40 Russian vocabulary American students. On the fourth day, all 120 words were polled again. The group which had learned after the keyword or replacement word method, remembered 72% of the vocabulary compared with 46 % in the control group. Even with an unannounced test after 43 days, the memory performance were significantly higher than in the control group at 28%, with 43 %. Similar studies with Spanish words came Atkinson and Raugh (1975 ) to even greater differences (88% in the keyword group versus 28 % in the control group). More recent studies by Lawson & Hogben 1998 confirmed the effectiveness of the replacement word method when learning vocabulary. The method also proved to be effective for learning facts ( Brigham & Brigham 1998 Dretzke and Levin 1990, Levin et al. U.1983 1983 ).

Memorize all dictionaries

The memory Grandmaster Yip Swe Dr. Choi has memorized using the keyword method an entire dictionary ( Mandarin, English ) with over 58,000 entries and more than 1,700 pages. He can not just say the appropriate translation for each word from one of the two languages, but also knows the exact definition in the national language, the page number and the location on the page where the word is.

Choi also used the method of loci for this memory. He has a mental route with over 58,000 points on which he bears the relevant vocabulary.
