Linn Products

Linn Products is a founded in 1972 by Ivor Tiefenbrun, Scottish company located in Glasgow, the high-quality hi-fi and home cinema equipment as well as audio playback systems manufactures for several rooms and vessels. Under the name of Linn Records also recorded music being produced.

In 1973 the name Linn is first used, namely the launch of the turntable Sondek LP 12 In this turntable was as an inspiration from the legendary Thorens TD 150 produced since 1965 is based. From this model, we took the concept of decoupled from the outer housing, free swinging inner housing ( subchassis ) with Linn. The model Sondek is - still made ​​- in revised form; now more than 100,000 units were sold. Also Thorens has the Subchassiskonzept always evolving and expanding until today turntable of this principle. In 1975, the speaker Isobarik is presented, whose production is based on a patented principle. Electronic components are manufactured at Linn since the early 1980s, and later the CD player CD 12 was the flagship. The production of the CD 12 ended after eight years in 2005. 2007 lies with the Linn Akurate CD player CD in the tip region of the international field, which includes companies such as Lindemann, Krell, Wadia, Mark Levinson and Accuphase belong.

A special feature of Linn is the use of switching power supplies for power supply, the high-end devices. This fairly compact device dimensions can be realized.

Linn is also one of the first high -end manufacturers that rely on fully digital network players. These devices play music from CDs or other sources, who are on NAS systems in the domestic network. In previously already four devices ( Klimax DS, Akurate DS, Majik DS and Sneaky Music DS), it is Linn managed to consistently achieve better sound quality, as they offer CD players comparable price ranges.

ISO Certificates

Linn Products Ltd. was certified in December 2004, according to ISO 14001:1996. The certification for both the companies headquarters in Waterfoot and for the metal-processing branch factory in the Scottish Castlemilk is the official recognition of the aligned to environmental protection and resource conservation policy.

According to ISO 9001:2000 ( Quality Management System ) in 2002, this is already Linn's second international ISO certification.
