
Jaw of the Muséum national d' Liodon mosasauroides Histoire Naturelle in Paris.

  • Europe (France, Netherlands, Essex )
  • North America (New Jersey)
  • Morocco

Liodon (Size: Leios = smooth; odon = tooth; Syn Leiodon Owen, 1841) is a genus of mosasaur from the Upper Cretaceous time.


From Liodon especially jaw fragments and teeth were found. He was named after his haiartigen, smooth and slightly curved teeth. Among all mosasaurs his teeth was the most likely to tear flesh from the prey consists of fish and other reptiles. Besides the skull no parts of the skeleton have been described.

The skull was able to achieve an estimated length of 1.2 meters, the length of the entire animal is estimated at 8 to more than 12 meters.


  • Liodon anceps ( type species ), from Essex
  • Liodon mosasauroides, from South-West France, with more than twelve meters long, the largest species.
  • Liodon sectorius, from New Jersey and the Netherlands, only eight to ten feet long.

Liodon dyspelor and Liodon proriger are now considered types of Tylosaurus. In contrast mosasaurus hobetsuensis could be a copy of Liodon from Japan.
