Lionel Tiger

Lionel Tiger ( born 1937 in Montreal, Canada ) is an American anthropologist. He teaches at Rutgers University in the U.S., New Jersey.

Tiger was born into a Jewish family in the Catholic French Canadian Quebec. At McGill University he graduated in 1957 with a Bachelor and 1959 with the Master of Arts from. The promotion to the Ph.D. occurred in 1962 at the London School of Economics. Tiger was an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia ( 1963-69 ) and at Rutgers University ( 1969-72 ), since he teaches as a professor.

Tiger is considered the inventor of the concept Male bonding, which he performs in his book Men in Groups: He showed that friendship in the sense of camaraderie develops when men maintain the same interests.

In God 's Brain, he tries to explain the phenomenon of religiosity: 80 percent of humanity to see itself as religious, so be the thesis of the 19th century, religion is doomed to disappear, wrong. Religion fill in an individual's life a purpose, namely to heal his Brain Pain, which thus arises that his brain was not busy. Religion calm as enforcement of rituals, with the experience of community or music and stabilize the religious people ( Brainsoothing ).

Works (selection)

  • Men in Groups ( 1969), dt Why really dominate the men, BLV, Munich; Bern; Vienna 1972, ISBN 3-405-10978-7.
  • The Imperial Animal ( with Robin Fox, 1971), dt The Lord animal. Stone Age hunters in late capitalism, Bertelsmann, München; Gütersloh; Vienna 1973, ISBN 3-570-04599-4.
  • The Decline of Males ( 1999), dt obsolescence man. The new roles of women and men in modern society, Deuticke, Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-216-30520-1.
  • God 's Brain ( with Michael McGuire ), Prometheus, Amherst 2010, ISBN 978-1-61614-164-6 (not yet published in German ).