Lions Gate Entertainment

Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation is a Canadian media company. Lions Gate Entertainment is listed on the stock exchanges of New York and Toronto under the symbol LGF. Since 2004, Lions Gate Entertainment is the most commercially successful film and television distribution company outside the United States. In 2003, the LGF competitors Artisan Entertainment, known for the film The Blair Witch Project in 1999 and 2012 took over one Summit Entertainment.


Film distribution

Lionsgate has a range of film rights, including Fahrenheit 9/11, American Psycho, Ginger Snaps - The beast within you, Monster's Ball, the Saw series and The Hunger Games series

  • Lions Gate Films
  • Artisan Entertainment

Music sales

  • Lions Gate Records

Television production

  • Lionsgate Television

Production capacity

Lions Gate has its own studios that are rented to other companies, for example, for the filming of Warner Bros. ' Catwoman.

  • Lions Gate Studios

Media sales

Lions Gate Entertainment has the rights to the video and DVD sales of over 8000 films, such as Dirty Dancing, Total Recall - Total Recall, Barney & Friends, Thomas and Friends, Fraggle Rock and the Rambo series.

  • Lions Gate Home Entertainment