Lipophrys trigloides

Gray blenny ( Paralipophrys trigloides )

The Grey blenny ( Paralipophrys trigloides, Syn: Lipophrys trigloides ) is a species of blennies which is to be found in the eastern Atlantic.


The Grey blenny has a slender elongated and laterally flattened body and how all members of the blennies no scales. It reaches a body length of up to 13 centimeters. The rounded head is equipped with two small forked tentacles, large eyes are placed high on the sides of the head. The color may vary depending on the surface, usually the body is gray to dark olive color with a drawing from 5-6 transom.

The dorsal fin extends from the head restraint until shortly before the transition to the single-piece tail fin and has a distinct notch in the transition area between the 12 - Hart and the 16 to 17 members and soft rays. The thread-like pelvic fins are throat constantly, are therefore present in the pectoral fins and consist of a hard and 3 soft rays. The paired pectoral fins have 13 rays in the anal fin and two hard jets and 18 soft rays. The swim bladder is absent, as in all blennies.


The Grey blenny is found in the coastal areas of the East Atlantic from Brittany to Morocco, including the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands and in the Mediterranean.

Way of life

The fish live in the bay area on cliffs just below the water surface at depths of up to half a meter. They prefer especially rich in structure and steep rocks with mussels and algae. Sometimes the fish are also found above the waterline in the moistened by the waves rock area.

They feed on small, ground-dwelling small crustaceans such as amphipods, worms and snails, they also eat algae.

The females spawning February to May and lay eggs hidden under rocks and in crevices from. The males guard the nests of several females.
