
The Lisao (离骚, Lí SAO, about ' grief after the breakup ' / ' pain of separation ') is an elegy ( lament ) in the Chuci of Qu Yuan.

In Lisao tells Qu Yuan, as he was driven by his princes, and set off on a long journey that leads him into mythical realms. First, it tells how the prince does not listen to the warnings, after which an action is right. Then the hermit's life is told in the mountains, where Qu Yuan turning to the teachings of the shaman and goes on a journey to the sources of truth. He embarks on a dragon wagon on a journey to heaven but the entrance through the gate of heaven is denied. Also fail three bride rides and he travels to the end of the world where he suddenly appears his home state, and he strikes up a final action.

The Lisao prepared according to subject matter, form and metric represents an innovation in the Chinese literature
