List of Ambassadors from Austria to South Korea

The bilateral relations between the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Kingdom of Korea was formally incorporated with the signing of a friendship, trade and navigation treaty on 23 June 1892. This agreement even foresaw the establishment of consular representations, but it was not opened any message (Korea was mitakkreditiert of the imperial legation in Tokyo ). The Austrian original of the contract is in the House, Court and State Archives in Vienna, the Korean original document is considered lost.

After the Second World War, diplomatic relations were formally taken on October 18, 1963 between the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Korea. By 1985, the respective Austrian head of mission in Tokyo was mitakkreditiert in the Republic of Korea. In 1969 an Austrian Honorary Consulate was established in Seoul, 1975, a resident commercial agency, in 1985 a resident Austrian Embassy in Seoul was opened.

Name list of resident Austrian ambassador in Seoul
