List of capoeira techniques#Ginga

A native of Brazil Ginga term originally referred to the basic step of Capoeira. When Ginga in Capoeira, it is important that the legs are slightly bent. Start with one (eg left ) leg back. The toes look forward. Between the feet is always about one meter distance. If, as in the example, the left leg is behind, it is brought into the parallel position next to the right leg. Then the right leg is placed backwards, so as before the left, then the right leg is placed in parallel. So it goes, the rhythm of music, ever. The arms are brought protectively in front of the face. The term Ginga is now used in Brazil as a synonym for a way of life and describes the art of movement, the sense of rhythm and joy of dance.

The documentary " Ginga - The Soul of Brazilian football " shows portraits Brazilian footballer from street footballers to professional. Are portrayed, among other hall footballer Falcão and national player Robinho.
