List of Defense Ministers of Austria

The list of defense ministers of Austria covers the different function names officially supporting Defense Minister of the State German Austria 1918/19, the Republic of Austria from 1920 to 1934, the dictatorial state of Austria from 1934 to 1938 and the Republic of Austria since 1945.

Until 1918, see k.u.k. War Minister ( for Austria - Hungary) and kk Minister of Defence (for the Austrian countries)

First Republic

Second Republic

The occupied postwar Austria had until summer 1955, when the State Treaty with the Four Occupying Powers came into force, not officially responsible for defense department.

The B- Gendarmerie, forerunner of the Army of the Second Republic, was set up in the Ministry of the Interior, where Secretary of State Count Ferdinand (ÖVP ), 1956 first Secretary of Defense after 1945, was responsible. On July 15, 1955, these agendas went to the office for national defense, section VI of the Federal Chancellery on. Politically remained Graf responsible was under formal but still the Minister of Interior. A year later, the Department of Defense was established.

Overview: Ministers and Governments
