List of New Testament minuscules (1–1000)

The Minuskelhandschriften of the New Testament originated mostly between the 9th and 16th centuries. A large part was written on parchment, but found from the 12th century, paper use. The form of those manuscripts is the Codex. They were written in small cursive Greek letters, the lowercase letters. About 80 percent of the manuscripts exclusively offer the majority text, that is, the Byzantine Empire text. Today, a total of 2911 Minuskelhandschriften with texts of the New Testament are known.

The papyri of the New Testament differ from the Minuskelhandschriften by the papyrus writing material, they are generally older origin. The Unzialhandschriften of the New Testament differ from the minuscule by the shape of the letters. They are written in capitals or uncials (ie almost all capital letters ) and also in most cases older than the lowercase letters. The lectionaries of the New Testament are written but a small part in uncials, in most cases in minuscule and mostly jüngereren origin. They have no running text, but offer individual sections of the Bible text according to the use in worship.

Minuskelhandschriften contain comments and other supplementary material, for example a Prolegomena of the four Gospels, the Epistula ad Carpianum, a list of the Seventy Apostles, short biographies of the apostles or a summary of the missionary journeys of Paul. Since the 9th century, some manuscripts contain information on the date and the transcript of the various books of the New Testament. Some manuscripts also inform you about the name of their own writer as well as the creation date. But the Byzantine tradition from the time estimated date of creation of the world ( 5508 BC) calculated the following year. Only a few small letters refer to the birth of Christ.

Classification and order of Minuskelhandschriften

Since the time of Johann Jakob Wettstein (1693-1754) the Minuskelhandschriften were marked by Arabic numerals. However, the numbers began for each of the four component parts of the New Testament with 1, thus could "1" a book described in any of the manuscripts, for example 1eap, 1r, 2e, 2AP ). Different parts of the same manuscript received different numbers; so are 18evv, 113Acts, 132Paul and 51Apoc the same manuscript. Only for the first manuscripts, the situation was easy because it was number 1 in the Gospels (1e ), in Acts (1a) and in the letters (1p ). The system was too complicated.

Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener counted the number of known him Minuskelhandschriften:

  • Gospels ... 739
  • Acts and Catholic Epistles ... 261
  • Letters of Paul ... 338
  • Revelation of John ... 122

However, the total number of minuscule was not 1460, because several numbers relative to the same manuscript.

Wettstein system has been improved and corrected by Scrivener, Caspar René Gregory and other scholars. Kurt Aland numbered the Minuskelhandschriften new. 1r received 2814, 2AP was awarded in 2815, 2816, etc. So now 4AP received, each Minuskelhandschrift own catalog number.

Renumbered Minuskelhandschriften:

Manuscripts with the numbers 260-469 were added to the list by Johann Martin Augustin Scholz ( 1794-1852 ). Currently Minuskelkodexe 2907 by the Institute for New Testament Textual Research ( INTF ) are cataloged in Münster.

List of Minuskelhandschriften of the New Testament

  • The numbers ( # ) followed by the current standard system of Gregory and Aland.
  • Datings were rounded up to a full 50 years.
  • The content generally describes only parts of the New Testament: Gospels, Acts, Paul's letters and so on. In some cases exists only a part of the Code, so that only a few books, chapters or even verses only survived. Related articles, if they exist, describe the contents in detail and the verses contained.
  • The symbol † in the "content" column indicates that the text is not complete.


  • Some manuscripts

Minuscule 72

Minuscule 104

Minuscule 114

Minuscule 321

Minuscule 322

Minuscule 447

Minuscule 448

Minuscule 480

Minuscule 481

Minuscule 485

Minuscule 505
