List of newspapers in Albania

The following list includes a selection of Albanian newspapers. Here, newspapers and magazines are summarized.

Media landscape

Freedom of the press came in Albania until the early 1990s, when the dictatorial regime of Enver Hoxha and his Labour Party was overthrown. Hoxha ruled for almost 50 years in the country and did not allow for free development and distribution of newspapers. Only the two party newspapers Bashkimi and Zëri i Popullit certain the media landscape in the country.

In January 2012 28 daily newspapers published; In 1991, the number four. However, the daily number of copies of all papers together is not more than 70,000 copies and is therefore relatively low. The radio - especially television - and the digital media today play a much more important role in the mass media in the country, than do the print media.



Party newspapers

