
Listeria monocytogenes

The Listeriaceae constitute a family of Gram-positive bacteria. The type genus Listeria is named after the British surgeon Joseph Lister.


The cells are short rods and can form Zellfilamente. They are aerobic or facultative anaerobic. Endospores are not formed. The catalase test and the Voges - Proskauer test are positive. Types of Brochothrix are not movable, Listeria is flagellated with peritrichous flagella and mobile. The optimum growth temperature for the species is in the range of Brochothrix 20 to 25 ° C, Listeria 30-37 ° C. The species ferment glucose to lactate et al.


The nature of Listeria monocytogenes triggers in people and animals from listeriosis. Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ivanovii are pathogenic for some species, especially for sheep and goats. Since the pathogenic species Listeria monocytogenes psychrotolerant ( cold tolerant ), is also packs of ready meals may be contaminated with this type. The type Brochothrix thermosphacta is psychrotolerant and can spoil chilled meat. A pathogenicity of Brochothrix but not known.


The Listeriaceae family belongs to the order Bacillales and consists of the following genera:

  • Listeria Pirie 1940
  • Brochothrix Sneath and Jones 1976


Species of Listeria are widely distributed in the environment and have been found, inter alia, in soil, sewage, plants, and in the feces of healthy humans and animals. Brochothrix was inter alia on the ground, meat and grass and wrapped, chilled meat products isolated.

