Little Rock Central High School

The Little Rock Central High School is a high school in Little Rock, the capital of the U.S. state of Arkansas in the United States.


1927, the school was built; it was at that time at a cost of 1.5 million U.S. dollars as the most expensive and one of the largest and most beautiful schools in the United States. In 1957, the school was the scene of clashes worldwide attention and reported: three years after the official desegregation of schools, the first black student, which the Little Rock Central High School visited were the so-called Little Rock Nine. To deny the African American students the access to that building, let Orval Faubus, the then governor of the state, compete in the National Guard for the first day of school. Furthermore, there were riots by a demonstration of over 1000 applied whites. Some days it succeeded the Guard to prevent the schooling of Little Rock Nine; then had Faubus as a result of a court decision, the Guard retreat. In addition, Dwight D. Eisenhower ( U.S. President from 1953 to 1961 ) presented against him; Eisenhower assumed all police and army units from Arkansas under federal command and sent troops of the 101st Airborne Division to Little Rock to protect the black students to and from school and in the building.

1964 Charles Guggenheim turned a documentary about the Little Rock Nine, who was awarded the Academy Award for Best Short Documentary ( Nine from Little Rock ).

The LR Central High has a high reputation, it is considered as one of the " 16 best high schools in preparing students for college " in the United States. In a ranking of the best high schools in the country by the news magazine Newsweek in 2008, the Little Rock Central High School was ranked 36th Competition National Fed Challenge won by the students of LRCHS 2007 and 2008.

National Historic Landmark

Because of its historical significance as an important venue during the civil rights movement in the United States around 1957, the Little Rock Central High School was included as a National Historic Landmark on the National Register of Historic Places on May 20, 1982. She is one of 16 historic sites in Arkansas. At the school building is also a visitor center showing an exhibition on the history of the school.
