Little Sandy Desert

The Little Sandy Desert (English Little Sandy Desert ) is a desert in the state of Western Australia, the Gibson Desert lies south of the Great Sandy Desert and west. It covers an area of ​​111,500 km ² in western Australia.


This Little Sandy Desert directly adjoins the Great Sandy Desert and therefore got its name, the vegetation and the fauna is similar to this. The desert area has numerous sand dunes and mountains of red sandstone. The climate is arid and only in the summer rain falls. When it rains, the water flows into Lake Disappointment. There are other small lakes dry up.

For the most part the land is owned by the Aboriginal and it is sparsely populated; there is no settlement in the desert region. At the edge of the desert the place Newman ( Mundiwindi ) is located in the west of Pilbararegion.

Through the desert leads the Canning Stock Route, which is only passable by four-wheel- enabled vehicles. Furthermore, the Rudall River National Park is located in this desert area and it operated some mines.

Flora and Fauna

It mainly grasses grow, there are 670 species of plants and 220 species of birds, such as parrots. Sugar Glider, brushtail possum, kangaroo, bats, bearded dragons and iguanas live in the Little Sandy Desert Park and the Rudall River are 11 species of waterfowl have been counted.

In the desert, mainly growing sweet grass and grow Banksia and Kasuarinengewächse and spring flowers after a rain.

