

The Litzelbach is a body of water in the district of Regensburg in Bavaria.


The source of the Litzelbachs is located southwest of Oberhinkofen in the community Oberstraubing. It flows through the towns of Oberhinkofen, Piesenkofen and Oberstraubing.

Between Piesenkofen and Oberstraubing was formerly found a water mill, which was soon demolished in the 1990s. The creek flows north past Niedertraubling Ling. Here are flowing smaller unnamed rivulets to, and the stream changes its name, it is called from here Geislinger Mühlbach (or Lohgraben ). The water flows through the town Mintraching. Then the creek underground ( piped ) continues to flow, occurs south before Gengkofen back to daily flows past several smaller places, where flows in Roith the Moosgraben. It flows through Geisling and leads finally east of Geisling in the " Alte Donau ", which unites shortly thereafter with the Pfatter.

Water output

In a fire drill the volunteer fire department Oberstraubing in midsummer of 1999 a water capacity of 1200 liters per minute between the towns Oberstraubing and Niedertraubling Ling was determined. However, this can easily after heavy rains and during thawing on the 5 - to 10-fold increase in value. The creek reached from 9 to 11 March 2006, on 3 June 2013, the notification level 2 alarm stage 3 has been reached for the last time, according to residents of the municipality Oberstraubing and Piesenkofen early 1970s. The problem areas are currently in the St. George street, alley Bach and Duke Albrecht Strasse in Oberstraubing.


In 2005 and 2006 various rain and dew water retention measures between Oberhinkofen and Oberstraubing were set up which slow down the stream course and offer the flora and fauna of new hitherto existing wetlands. In 2012, the water retention measure lying shortly after Oberhinkofen level out and was partially dredged, because it could not accommodate the planned amount of water because of a Tree Angels.

In the late autumn of 2012 the rain and dew water retention basin was leveled and dredged again after Oberhinkofen. This measure was necessary because the basin outlet side ran over, though it was not even close to the inlet side filled up.

Word origin

One of the local information Curator ( Pius Detterbeck ) the municipality Oberstraubing by means Litzel as much as small, so small creek.

  • Danube river system
  • River in Europe
  • River in Bavaria