Livestock guardian dog

The guard dog is a large and powerful dog that is bred for the protection and defense of the flock entrusted to him against humans and animals.


For holding together the herd, herding, use shepherd small and agile dogs that are referred to as herding dogs. But these may not distribute large predators like wolves and are therefore themselves at risk. This task took over the guard dogs, although some breeds of dogs stove is not always clearly assignable to the herding or guard dogs because they shepherd the flock and protect, such as the German Shepherd Dog. The allocation of tasks can be observed particularly in mountainous areas with a limited food supply for predators, as they attack then also guarding goats and sheep. In the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI ), the guard dog breeds are found predominantly for this reason, under the section of mountain dogs.

Many guard dogs spend a lot of time alone with the herd. They are largely independent of the shepherds, and also unobserved. This requires a self-confident dog who is able to work independently.

This is particularly clear protective behavior of the guard dogs at dusk and at night, as these are the preferred times of predators. The protective behavior and the distinct, sharp senses, which register the dog at all times what is happening in his near and far, are largely genetically determined.

Protective and territorial behavior

A strong protective and territorial behavior are among the outstanding features of the livestock guardian dog. Basically everything foreign is considered reserved and suspicious within its territory and chased at the slightest hint of a threat to the flock, in which the strategy of this dog is more likely to be defensive defense. The territory of the properties held as family dog ​​livestock guardian dog usually includes not only the framed with the garden fence own land, but also the more visible environment and frequently visited places and walking trails.

On the outside observer "peaceful" guard dogs seem more sleepy or inactive. This is mostly because the guard dog as, for example, herding dogs is different most of the time dozing in his district. Nevertheless, it can be transformed in seconds to an impressive, responsive defensive guard dog of the supposedly dozing dog. The economical and sensible use of his powers is crucial for the effective protection of his flock entrusted.

Neither today then it was in the interest of a shepherd that his guard dog every alleged enemy is chasing his energy and not divides sense. Many more watched the well-managed livestock guardian dog the "enemy" from a safe distance, presents itself and this is clearly noticeable. As a rule, he placed himself between his flock and the enemy.


Many guard dog forms the legend is told, how brave they would have stood against all wolf and bear packs. One speaks of her strong group feeling and their victorious attacks against such enemies. However, this is widely regarded as a fairy tale, because even such a impressive guard dog is smart enough to understand that he could not get through unscathed such a struggle.

Guard dogs usually resort not biting. Their very size and imposing appearance ranges from most two - or four-legged predators to keep their distance, especially since many shepherds keep their flocks in two, three and even more guard dogs, which mostly operate in uncertain phases as a team.


An overview of guard dog breeds can be found in the Progress Report for the use of guard dogs in Switzerland from 1999 on page 6 Originally (as FCI breeds Bernese Mountain Dog and Greater Swiss Mountain Dog) and St. Bernard were the large mountain dogs used as guard dogs, some are in Switzerland still held Cattle Dogs as working dogs.

Not every dog of this breed can be absolutely used as a guard dog or shows the typical properties, including a high territoriality and independence belong. Nonetheless it is to make an appropriate behavior among representatives of these breeds; depending on the breed and breeding line occasionally to frequently.
