Loaded language

Language manipulation is the deliberate change of language by certain interest groups that force their way of thinking or ideology ( promote, distribute ) or want to enforce. Language manipulation is done on the use of emotional, evaluative or interpretive language components and is both " manipulation of language and manipulation through language. "


Language manipulation is done deliberately by multipliers such as political parties, politicians, journalists, interest groups and advertisers - groups in terms of their range (language distribution ) occupy a privileged position. For example, a party or interest group changed language, " by seeking a political voice their interests serving scheme. Certain words [ ... ] have become the common linguistic heritage, then you win even a politically and ideologically organizing function. " Long term, however, the unconscious and uncritical acceptance and use by individual language elements sprachmanipulatorischer partnership act spoke changing.

Strategies, tactics and techniques to grammatical language levels

Language manipulation can be done in word and sentence level, in the semantic and situational context. Come on all these levels, among others (voice ) psychological and rhetorical effect principles to advantage.

At word level, speech manipulation shows, among other

In sentence level language manipulation mainly characterized by the use

The classification made ​​here by syntactic levels is, conceptually, a distinction between manipulation through language and manipulation by speech ( language ) basis: The words are elements of the language system used in a community; the sentences are elements of each narrative. Only in the former case, the language will in any case be manipulated and the extent change falls during the latter case, under the usual use of the voice system.

In semantic and situational context of an utterance both selection and combination of information can be used manipulative language.

Here the use of rhetorical argumentation techniques plays a role. See also: Rhetoric, persuasive communication and argument or topos ( humanities ).


Language manipulation is done with the aim of producing and change common attitudes and opinions through to sanction a deviating from a predetermined line (speech) behavior.


Voice manipulations and regulatory burdens are factors that cause the differences between individual and to published parlance, maintain and enlarge.

The consequences of language manipulation are complex and it is only in the context of their use. In advertising ( advertising language ) the mechanisms of language manipulation control of the buying interest serve. This is considered a legitimate impact on the market. It serves the advertisers to ensure their economic viability. Serious consequences may arise in the field of child and youth advertising, as this target group yet encountered spoke manipulative techniques without reservations.

Language manipulation of persuasive communications or strategic communications within the political rhetoric, however, can exert questionable influence on the political views of citizens. Are not aware citizens of the language strategies, their political opinions may be easily influenced by linguistic persuasion strategies.

Strategic communication is taking place, especially in times of war and crisis and serves the legitimacy of the war -related political actions in public. An extremely manipulative variant of the language manipulation in this context is the propaganda ( propaganda language ).

Further information is


  • Connotation
  • Euphemism and euphemism treadmill
  • Persuasive communication
  • Phrase
  • Political Correctness
  • Politolinguistik
  • Linguistic norm
  • Language regime
  • Advertising
  • Advertising language
  • Public relations
  • Rhetoric
  • Rhetorical Figure
  • Critical Discourse Analysis
  • Newspeak