Local mean time

The time zone (English time zone, standard time ) is the uniform time in a time zone. It is usually also the legal time in a State ( or a portion thereof ), which lies in one of 24 uniform, extending between the poles of Earth time zones. The statutory time, the time zone of a neighboring or more distant time zone may be, the term zone time (sometimes even time zone) is used as a synonym for the statutory period. This is also true when the statutory time does not coincide with the time zone of the 24 "ideal" time zones.

Time shift (English timeOffset, French décalage horaire ) is the time difference

  • Between two time zones or between two places with different time zone,
  • Between standard time and UTC time,
  • Within a region ( state ) between Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time (german daylight saving time ) or other temporary changes in the time zone or
  • Between standard time and solar time.

Conversion between time zones

The time difference between two time zones, for example, the difference in their names to the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) specified offsets.

For very large area countries like the U.S. or Russia also exist within the country time shifts.

Note: In some areas of the world, there are time zones that do not differ in whole hours from UTC.

Conversion between standard time and solar time CET

The time zone is the mean solar time (or mean time MOZ) of that meridian to which it is related. In the Central European Standard Time (CET) which is the mean solar time on the 15th ( Eastern ) longitude, for example in Görlitz. The true solar time (or true local LAT ) is not uniformly elapsed time and thus in modern cultures unusable. It differs from the average of the true solar time uniform mean solar time.

Against the Mean Sun " is the true Sun regularly before or after ", which is specified by the so-called equation of time depending on annual date: maximum approach at least 16 minutes early November, maximum pursue for about 14 minutes in mid-February.
