
A gear is the filling of a column within a rock body. In mineral transitions to minerals have crystallized from aqueous solutions, in dikes magmatic melts or rare liquefied sediments are penetrated. They usually form elongated, plate-like or lens-shaped body within the surrounding host rock.

Spatial position of corridors

Transitions intersect the Earth's surface, the sole of a Grubenbaues or an imaginary horizontal plane in a line or line-like track. The angle between the north direction and this line is called brushing. The slope of the gangway to the horizontal, perpendicular to the strike is called traps. In general, the strike and dip is determined by the geologist compass and given in degrees or grads. By specifying the strike and dip angle, a transition is clearly spatially oriented.

In historical ore mining hallways are named after their strike, the farmer morning walk sweeps for example 68 ° E. The mountain compass was divided into twice twelve hours, and the strike directions were divided into groups:

  • Standing transitions deleted from hour 0 to 3 ( 0-45 °, between the North and Northeast )
  • Morning transitions from hour 3 to 6 ( 45-90 °, between East and West ),
  • Spatgänge, from hour 6 to 9 ( 90-135 °, between East and Southeast ) and
  • Flat transitions from hour 9-12 ( 135-180 °, between southeast and south).

After its collapse, the gears are in:

  • Floating (0-15 ° ),
  • Flat falling ( 15-45 ° ),
  • Tonnlägige ( 45-75 ° ) and
  • Steep or vertical ( 75-90 ° ), falling transitions divided.

The farmer morning walk falls 60-68 ° N and is therefore an tonnlägiger gear.

Geometric training courses

The contact surface of a gear with the host rock is called selvage. A transition is usually towards the end gradually becoming thinner and disappears ( he wedged off) or it splits into several small spans of. If several transitions are parallel behind or next to each other, one speaks of a lode. Often, however, the gears have with each other (more or less systematic ) variations in the strike directions, eg in regional shear zones. In this case one speaks of transition band. When combining two courses forked, it means Scharung. Two intersecting corridors forming a transitional cross; in many cases crossing corridors forming a transition network. If two or more gears or Gangtrümer each other, so they flock. Saddle conclusions are usually Erzbringer, that is, damage to conclusions is the miner often rich mineralization than in the normal course of history. Often the thickness of a gear swells ( mining techniques: squashing or Sichauftun ) in its course to and from. This is because there is a gap in their education tectonic changes direction when it hits a rock with other physical properties. Upon further tectonic stress is sometimes a real geological fault along which the adjacent rock packets pass each other, at the contact surfaces between the gangway and the shattered bedrock often a Gangbrekzie developed from the gulf. In the sections of the original gap, which have a larger angle to the general direction of movement, open during this process larger gaps and voids that can be filled by volcanic magmas or mineral-bearing solutions. In the sections that form only an acute angle to the fault or no, only small gaps form. In highly stratified rocks, such as in regular alternations of limestone and sandstone, this fact sometimes leads to striking perlschnurartigen up and decongestion of gears.

Types of transitions

A sill or sill is concordant, so penetrated parallel to the layering, in addition to his rock, while the other types of programs by hitting the stratification of the surrounding rocks unconformably. Special cases are cylindrical or tapered downward transitions ( transitions ring or cone sheets), who find, for example, around volcanic intrusion crater ( caldera ), and curved saddle transitions in the vertices of tectonic folds.

Transition Filling: Ganggefolge, gait

Dykes ( sometimes called dikes ) consist of plutonic rocks, such as granite or gabbro, or from the Ganggefolge that has differentiated according to the crystallization of the plutonic rocks from the rest magma. From acidic ( granitic ) magmas are formed, for example, transitions from aplite and pegmatite, from basic ( basaltic ) magmas Lamprophyrgänge. Rarely, there are dikes, which are caused by the filling of open gaps at the Earth's surface with sedimentary rocks sandstone transitions or Neptunian Dikes.

Mineral transitions are often filled with quartz, fluorite, barite, calcite, etc.. If they contain certain metallic minerals of economic interest, they are called veins. If necessary, they can be developed as a transitional deposit in a mine.

Accessory minerals that occur together with the ore minerals are called gangue. The main gangue minerals are quartz, calcite, dolomite, barite and fluorite.
