
Called The loin (from Old High German Lenti " kidney" ), anatomically in human and veterinary anatomy as lumbar region ( lumbar regions ), is a region of the body of the hull.


The lumbar regions located laterally to the spinous processes of the lumbar spine between the last rib and the iliac crest. The lumbar muscles, ie the ventral lumbar nearby skeletal muscles are psoas major, psoas minor muscle and the quadratus lumborum. Be Innervated these muscles through the front branches ( anterior rami ) of spinal nerves of the lumbar portion of the spinal cord, the skin of the lumbar region of the back of the branches ( posterior rami ) of these nerves. The blood supply is provided by the lumbar arteries ( arteries, lumbar ), the segmental arise from the aorta. The lymphatic drainage is via the lumbar lymph nodes.

Loin as food

The lumbar muscles of pigs, cattle and other animals for slaughter is particularly tender and is marketed as fillets.

Half Pork Loin

Aufgeschnittene Renlende
