Loloish languages

The Lolo or Yipho languages ​​form a sub- unit of the lolo- Burmese languages ​​, which belong to the Tibeto-Burman languages ​​, a primary branch of the Sino Tibetan. The 30 - Lolo languages ​​are spoken by 7 million people in southern China, Burma, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. The largest single language is the Yi with 4.2 million speakers in the Chinese provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan.

The Lolo languages ​​within the Sino Tibetan

  • Sino-Tibetan Tibetobirmanisch Lolo - Burmese Lolo languages
  • Burmese languages

Internal classification and numbers of speakers

  • Lolo or Yipho North Lolo (Yi) Yi ( 4.2 million speakers, ethnic 6.5m ) Central: Dayao, Nanhua
  • Guizhou: Dian - Qian Dian Dongbei
  • Sichuan: North, South - Sichuan Yi
  • Southeast: Sani, Axi = Ahi, Awu, Axhebo
  • West: Dongshan, Xishan
  • Yunnan: Shijian, Yuanjin, Exin
  • Lisu Group: Lisu ( Lissu, Lisaw, Lutzu, Yao Yen, Chung, Cheli, Khae ) (650 thousand), Lipo ( Taku Lisu, Black Lisu ) (60 thousand)
  • Lahu group: Lahu (600 thousand), Lahu Shi ( Kutsung ) (60 thousand)
  • Jinuo (10 thousand) Dialects: Buyuan, Youle
  • Akha - Hani Group: Akha (450 thousand), Hani (700 thousand); Honi (100 thousand); Biyo (100 thousand), Kaduo (10 thousand); Sila (20 thousand)
  • Mahei (12 thousand)
  • Phunoi - Bisu Group: Phunoi (30 thousand), Bisu (7 thousand), mpi ( two thousand), Pyen (1 thousand)
  • Phana ' (5 thousand)
  • Ugong almost †

Classification and numbers of speakers according to the specified web link.
