Lom, Norway

2358 ( March 31, 2013 )

The municipality Lom in Norway has a total area of 1969 km ² with a north- south extent of 71.6 km and an east- west extent of 58.1 km. Lom has 2358 inhabitants ( as of March 31, 2013). The population density is 1.2 inhabitants per square kilometer. The municipality is located in Oppland Fylke in the middle Ottadal and is managed in Lom. The highest elevation is the Galdhøpiggen with a height of 2469 meters. Lom has a continental climate with 321 mm per year, a very low rainfall.

The town of Lom was in 1866 to a municipality. It lies at an altitude of around 380 meters and is dominated by the mountain views Lomsegga, which reaches a height of 1524 meters. Knut Hamsun, one of Norway's most famous poet, was born 12 km east before Lom in Garmo. There stands the reconstructed hut in which he was born in 1859; beside it stands on a high memorial stone to commemorate him.

Lom is a tourist center with some points of interest:

  • The column stave church is the most photographed motif of the place. In the forecourt of the church is a monument to the Norwegian poet Olaf Aukrust (1883 - 1929) set up.
  • The open air museum of Lom - farm consists of several old farmhouses that have been built here around Lom. It shows how a farm in the 18th century looked like. The St. Olaf House, a house on the edge of the yard, is of historical interest because of King Olav Harald son of the tradition had stayed here after his travels. Of great importance is a collection of works of the poet Olaf Aukrust.
  • The Fossheim Steinsenter is Norway's largest exhibition of native crystals and minerals. In addition to souvenirs and trinkets, which are produced in the workshop, other arts and crafts can be purchased.
  • The Norwegian Mountain Museum (the Norwegian Mountain Museum ) deals with the Norwegian mountains and their development by humans.
  • In the Lom Sognefjellsveien that leads over the mountains Jotunheimen to the Sognefjord begins.