Long Island-class escort carrier

The Long - Iceland - class consisted of two escort aircraft carriers of the Allies during the Second World War. Two ships were made from converted merchant ships. These were the first of their kind in the United States Navy.

The first ship, the USS Long Iceland (CVE -1) was put into service on 11 January 1940 and served in the U.S. Navy.

The second ship, the HMS Archer ( D78 ) was handed over to the Royal Navy. It got there by the identification number BAVG -1.


The two carriers were 150 feet long and had a displacement of 13,499 tons. The registered speed was 16.5 knots. The crew included 1970 men and the carrier could accommodate 21 combat aircraft. The carrier had a big 127 mm cannon and two 76 mm guns for defense. Fla - armament was only introduced in later escort aircraft carriers, after planes had emerged as a major threat.

Long - Iceland - Class | Bogue Class | Sangamon Class | Charger Class | Casablanca Class | Commencement Bay - class

  • Long - Iceland - class