Long-tufted Screech Owl

The Santa Catarina Screech-Owl ( Megascops sanctaecatarinae ) is a species of the family of authentics owls. It is found only in South America.


With a body size of about 26 to 27 centimeters, the Santa Catarina Screech a relatively large Art is within their genus It comes in three different color morphs ( gray, red-brown, brown) before. The brown color morph is the most common. On the body top surface, it has dark spots. On underside of the body and it has dark vertical stripes. The eyes are yellow in most individuals, but also with some brown pale.

The Black Caps Screech is the Santa Catarina Screech very similar. The Santa Catarina Screech is, however, built much stronger and also more educated claws. The Choliba Screech is much smaller with short ear tufts.

Distribution and habitat

The Santa Catarina Screech comes mainly before in southeastern Brazil. It was also observed in Uruguay and northeastern Argentina. Probably the way a state bird. They settled semi-open forests, open grassland with scattered woods and raised bogs at the edge of forests and adjacent agricultural land. She has opened up even human settlement area. Your altitudinal distribution ranges from 300 to 1,000 meters.

Way of life

The Santa Catarina Screech Owl is a nocturnal owl. They normally meet in the dense foliage of trees. Your food spectrum consists mainly of insects, spiders and small vertebrates. It usually hunts from a stand hunting observatory. The breeding season begins in late August or early September, when the male begins to sing more often. As a nesting site tree hollows are used. The clutch size is not known. Presumably, similar to the Santa Catarina Screech in their breeding habit which other screech owls.

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