Longus capitis muscle

Both sides: Forward flexion of the head

Called the musculus longus capitis, also musculus capitis colli ( from Latin musculus " muscle " longus "long "; caput "head" and collum " neck "; " Long head muscle ") is a striated muscle (skeletal muscle), which is between the sixth cervical vertebrae and the occipital bone prävertebral ( front of the spine located ) runs. The thickness of the muscle increases from bottom to top, and while he only has one attachment point on the head, he has several origins, namely the Tubecula anteriora the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae 3 to 6


The one-sided insulated musculus longus capitis performs at its contraction to a lateral flexion and slight rotation ( rotation ) of the head to the same side (toward the working muscle back ), in collaboration, the two muscles lead to a forward flexion of the head ( forward flexion ).


  • Michael Schünke, Erik Schulte, Udo Schumacher, Markus full, Karl Wesker: Prometheus - Learning Atlas of Anatomy ( General Anatomy and Movement System) Thieme, 2006 edition, ISBN 978-3-13-139521-4
  • Roche Lexicon of Medicine, 5th Edition ( http://www.tk-online.de/rochelexikon/ )
  • Skeletal muscle of the neck