Lonicera fly

The so-called Honeysuckle Made is a new fruit or Bohrfliegenart that hat1 just 250 years developed mendax and Rhagoletis Zephyria by hybridization of the species Rhagoletis. This has established a research team from the Pennsylvania State University under the direction of Dietmar Schwarz. The results were presented in the journal Nature. This is the first documented case in which hybridization between two host-specific species has been accompanied by a change of host plants. It is also one of the few documented cases at all, in which it has come through hybridization in the animal kingdom to the emergence of a new kind.

The new species of insect after its host plant originating from Asia Tatar honeysuckle ( Lonicera tatarica ), referred to as " Lonicera Fly". The parent species Rhagoletis mendax Curran 1932 attacks blueberries (Vaccinium sect. Cyanococcus ), the type R. zephria Snow 1894 lives in snow berries. The types belong to the so-called " Rhagoletis - pomonella species complex " along with the apple fruit (R. pomonella ), R. cornivora ( in dogwood ), two undescribed species ( " Sparkleberry fly" arboreum of Vaccinium, and " flowering dogwood fly " at Blossom Dogwood ) and three other populations ( " plum fly ", " mayhaw fly ", at Summer hawthorn, and " Mexican R. pomonella ").
