Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal of Japan

The Naidaijin (Japanese内 大臣, historical Kun - reading Uchi no Oomaetsugimi or Uchi no Otodo, German Minister or Chancellor of the Interior) was created after the ritsuryō system in the 8th century office at the imperial court of Japan. He was Sadaijin and Udaijin, the ministers on the left and right, subordinate. The influence of Naidaijin decreased during the Heian period with that of the entire Daijōkan until the track finally was just purely ceremonial in nature. With the Meiji Restoration of 1868, the Office was first abolished.

Naidaijin in the Modern

In the Meiji period, the Emperor reactivated the institutions of Daijōkan to build a centralized management for modern role model. In 1869 he created a government with Udaijin and Sadaijin. Although creation of the modern Cabinet abolished in 1885 Dajōkan government including Udaijin and Sadaijin from the Office of Naidaijin but was re-established and was abolished only after the Second World War; the Naidaijin stood as a direct advisor to the Emperor outside the Cabinet. There he was responsible for the safekeeping of the imperial seal and the promulgation of imperial edicts, the song is played since that time in German (similar to their counterparts in Europe) with Lord Privy Seal. He was also responsible for the organization of imperial audiences, and the acceptance of petitions.

Japanese Lord Privy Seal
