Lorna Wing

Lorna Wing ( born October 7, 1928) is a British psychiatrist who defined Asperger syndrome in continuation of the work Hans Asperger. She lives in Sussex ( England).

Lorna Wing to 1952 studied medicine, specializing in psychiatry. Out of the fact that she has an autistic daughter, she is particularly interested in pervasive developmental disorders and conducts research in the area of ​​autism spectrum. In 1962, she teamed up with other parents of autistic children and founded the UK's National Autistic Society, for which it is acting as a psychiatric counselor today.


  • Asperger 's Syndrome: A Clinical Account (1981; scientific publication in which the symptom picture is first described as " Asperger's syndrome "), see Web Links
  • The autistic child - such as education and behavioral difficulties can be overcome. Ravensburg, Maier, 1973, 1976, 1980. ISBN 3-473-41022-5