Los Andes Province (Bolivia)

- 16.333333333333 - 68.416666666667Koordinaten: 16 ° 20 ' S, 68 ° 25' W

Los Andes (Spanish for: " The Andes " ) is one of twenty provinces of the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia and is located in the central part of the department.


The province is located on the southeastern edge of Lake Titicaca and is bordered to the northwest by the province Omasuyos, to the south by the province Ingavi, on the east by the province of Murillo, and to the north by the province Larecaja.

The province extends from about 16 ° 00 'and 16 ° 47' south latitude and 68 ° 08 ' and 68 ° 45 ' west longitude, it measures 90 km from north to south, from east to west and 75 kilometers.


The population of the province of Los Andes has risen in the past two decades by about a quarter:

The literacy rate in the province is 81.1 percent, and that 90.6 percent of men and 72.4 percent for women. (2001)

The infant mortality rate is 6.8 per cent ( 1992) and 7.3 percent (2001) high.

63.8 percent of the population speak Spanish, 96.2 percent speak Aymara, Quechua and 0.1 percent. (2001)

63.5 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 70.1 percent have no sanitary facilities ( 2001).

57.5 percent of households have a radio, 13.0 percent have a television, 32.4 percent a bicycle, a motorcycle 1.1 percent, 2.5 percent a car, a refrigerator 0.4 percent, 0.9 percent phone. (2001)

71.5 percent of the population are Catholics, 24.2 percent are Protestant (1992).


The Los Andes Province is divided into the following four counties ( bolivian: municipios ):

  • Municipality of Batallas - 19,897 inhabitants (Update 2010)
  • Municipio Laja - 17,716 inhabitants
  • Municipio Pucarani - 30 656 inhabitants
  • Municipio Puerto Pérez - 9,912 inhabitants