Los Paraguayos

Los paraguayos is a collective term for groups of musicians from Paraguay. Los paraguayos is Spanish and means nothing more than " the Paraguayans " - as the people of Paraguay. Paraguay is a landlocked country in South America without a sea- coast, connected only by the Parana River to the sea.

Originally it was a music group that was founded in the 1950s by Luis Alberto del Paraná. Since the group was very successful and was copied by many other groups - which " Los Reyes paraguayos " ( the royal Paraguay ), " Los verdaderos paraguayos " ( the real paraguayos ) etc. mentioned. They occur in different cast of singers, guitarists, drummers and harpists as official Cultural Ambassador of Paraguay to the world. It is typical in the groups that a harp player there is, which dominates the Paraguayan harp and good singers. The repertoire of the groups include South American, Spanish and Mexican classic folk songs like Guantanamera, La Bamba and Malaguena Sale Pink. A famous band in the same style are " Les Guaranies " but expressly not " Los paraguayos " called himself, who was in exile in Paris. Your leader was Francisco Marin, who also created numerous original compositions.

  • Latin band
  • Culture ( Paraguay)
  • Music ( Paraguay)