Lotus position

The lotus position (Sanskrit, n, पद्मासन, Padmasana, or कमलासन, n, kamalāsana ), also lotus position, a posture in which the Far Eastern religions ( Hinduism and Buddhism) since time immemorial meditation is practiced and one of the classic postures of yoga.


The lotus seat, which is modeled on the shape of a lotus flower, the legs are crossed. In this case, the right foot rests on the left thigh near the groin and the left foot corresponding to the right thigh. The soles of the feet facing upwards. The Seated usually sits slightly elevated on a rather hard pillows, knees are in contact with the ground. This is a very stable triangle is measured as the seat base. The upper body is erect, the back straight, shoulders slightly withdrawn, so that the head is balanced on the base.

Although especially the beginners often suffers from pain in legs and hips, but are back pain, which are the most serious problem during long meditation sessions, minimized. In this way, long immovable seats, which is a key point of all meditation possible. In order to avoid one-sided loads, the overhead leg is changed between the meditation sessions.

There are also the so-called half- lotus position, in which only one foot is on the opposite thigh; the others are located under the other thigh. This seat is also suitable already stable and well to prepare for the full lotus position.

The so-called cross-legged on the other hand, in which both feet under the thighs are is unstable, because not let the knee get in contact with the ground.

From Padmasana there are many variations that can be practiced by advanced, such as the inverted lotus ( Urdhva Padmasana ), the bound lotus ( Baddha Padmasana ) Yoga Seal (yoga Mudrasana ) or the combination of the Lotus Pose the legs with other asanas such as the Crow, the headstand or handstand.
