Louis Dutens

Louis Dutens ( born January 15, 1730 in Tours, † May 23 1812 in London) was a French writer.

Dutens Louis was born on January 15, 1730 in Tours. He was secretary and chaplain to the British ambassador in Turin, Lord Mackenzie, then a member of the Academy of Inscriptions in Paris and the Royal Society in London. Later he also became historiographer of the King of England and died on 23 May 1812 in London.

The civil engineer and economist Joseph -Michel Dutens was his nephew.


Louis Dutens created the first fairly complete edition of Leibniz's works ( Geneva, 1769, 6 vols ).

He also wrote: Recherches sur l' origine of découvertes attribuées aux modern ( 1766, 1776, 1812, 2 vols ); some numismatic writings; Histoire de ce qui s'est passé pour le rétablissement d'une régence en Angleterre (1789 ); Table généalogique of héros de romans; two collections of very moderate poems (1750 and 1767); Itinéraire aux principales villes de l'Europe (1775 ); Mémoires d' un voyageur qui se repose (1806, 2 vols ), which included his own life story, including
