Louis III of France

Ludwig III. (* 864, † August 5 882 in Saint- Denis, near Paris) was 879-882 ​​King of the West Frankish kingdom.


Ludwig was the son of King Louis the Stammerer and the Ansgard of Burgundy. Through his mother Ansgard he was related to the Counts of Burgundy. An exact year of birth is not known, but he must have been born between December 862 and 865, since his parents were married in March 862 and them still a younger son was born before his father violated the Mother 866.

A group of nobles under Hugh the Abbot and Gauzlin enabled after the death of his father (April 10, 879 ) Louis succession in western France. In September 879, he was ordained by the Archbishop of Sens, and thus the King of the West Franks (around present-day France).

879 gave the grandson of Charles the Bald, 880 fixed in writing in the contract of Ribemont, the western part of the East Frankish Lotharingiens King Ludwig III. ; thus belonged Lotharingia from now on ( with an interruption 911-925 ) in its entirety to the eastern kingdom and formed in the Duchy of Lorraine.

In March, 880 took place in Amiens, an internal division of the kingdom between Ludwig and his brother Carloman. Ludwig received Franzien and Neustria, Carloman the south.

Ludwig III. died on August 5, 882 - to have married childless and without ever - in Saint- Denis, near Paris, and was buried in the Cathedral of Saint- Denis.


  • Félix ridge, Jacques de Font - Réaulx, Georges Tessier, Robert -Henri Bautier (ed.): Recueil des actes de Louis II le Begue, Louis III et Carloman II, rois de France ( 877-884 ). Imprimerie Nationale, Paris 1978.