Louis Sylvain Goma

Louis Sylvain Goma ( born July 28, 1941) from 1975 to 1984 and 1991 Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo.

Political career

He belonged to the Military Committee of the Unity Party in 1969 formed Parti Congolais du Travail ( PCT). On 18 December 1975 he was Prime Minister under the ruling since a coup in the summer of 1968 President Marien Ngouabi first time. After his assassination on 18 March 1977, the PCT acted as a collective leadership to April 3, the cousin of the deceased, Joachim Yhombi - Opango, new head of state was. This was urged on 5 February 1979 by his colleagues from office and replaced after a few days by Denis Sassou Nguesso. Goma remained until August 7, 1984 head of government.

In the final phase of Sassou Nguesso - reign he was from January 8 to June 8, 1991, a second time head of government. He was replaced by a transitional government, which reshaped the previous one-party state to a democracy.

Later he became general secretary of the Central African Economic Community Communauté Economique des Etats de l' Afrique Centrale ( ECCAS ), based in Libreville, Gabon.

Alphonse Massemba - Débat | Pascal Lissouba | Edouard Ambroise Noumazalaye | Alfred Raoul | Henri Lopès | Louis Sylvain Goma | Ange Édouard Poungui | Alphonse Poaty - Souchlaty | Pierre Moussa | Louis Sylvain Goma | André Milongo | Stéphane Maurice Bongho - Nouarra | Claude Antoine Dacosta | Joachim Yhombi - Opango | Charles David Ganao | Bernard Kolelas | Isidore Mvouba

  • Prime Minister ( Republic of Congo)
  • Congolese ( Republic of Congo)
  • Born in 1941
  • Man