Louis Wolowski

Louis François Michel Raymond Wolowski ( born August 31, 1810 in Warsaw, † August 15 1876 in Gisors ) was a French economist.


Wolowski was the son of the former President of the Polish Reichstag. Already at the age of thirteen Wolowski came to France and completed in the years 1823-1827 school and study.

As the end of 1830 in his hometown of the November riots broke out against Russian rule, Wolowski be closed immediately. He served with the rank of captain in the Polish General Staff and was promoted later to Vizerequetenmeister the Polish government. Towards the end of the revolution represented Wolowski as secretary of legation his country in Paris, where he remained after the end of the uprising in 1843 and obtained French citizenship.

Already in 1833 founded the journal Revue de législation Wolowski et de jurisprudence and in 1839 appointed as a Professor of Law with a teaching position at the " Conservatory of Arts and Crafts ." 1848 was chosen Wolowski in the management of this establishment.

1856 published his translation of Wilhelm Roscher Wolowski system of the economy.

In 1848 to 1851 was a member of the Constituent Wolowski, the Legislative Assembly, where he belonged to the moderate Democratic Party. In 1855 he was admitted as a member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences since 1871 and represented Wolowski as a deputy of the Left Centre, the moderate Republicans in the National Assembly. He defended the free trade system and died, just elected senator, on August 15, 1876 in Gisors at the age of almost 66 years.


  • Des sociétés par actions (1838 )
  • Mobilization du crédit Foncier (1839 )
  • In fraudes commerciales (1843 )
  • De l' Organisation du travail (1845 )
  • Études d' économie politique et de Statistique (1848 )
  • Del'organisation du crédit Foncier (1849 )
  • Introduction de l'industrie de la soie en France ( l855 )
  • Introduction de l' économie politique en Italie ( 1859)
  • La question des Banques (1864 )
  • Enquête sur les principes et les faits qui généraux régissent la circulation et monétaire fiduciaire (1866 )
  • La banque d' Angleterre et les Banques d' Écosse (1867; German Holtzendorff, Berl 1870. )
  • La liberté commerciale et les résultats you traité de commerce de 1860 (1868)
  • Le et la circulation change (1869 )
  • L'or et l' argent (1870 )
  • La question monétaire (2nd edition 1869)