Low Ham Roman Villa

The Roman villa at Low Ham was a Roman villa at Low Ham, a village in the municipality of High Ham, Somerset, England.

It was discovered in 1938 and excavated in the years 1945 to 1955. Largely because of a mosaic showing scenes with Aeneas and Dido, she gained notoriety. It is one of not so many mosaics from the Roman province of Britannia prima ( UK ) with a narrative representation.

The villa stood on a low hill and dated around 340 AD The buildings of the villa were grouped around a courtyard. The excavations concentrated mainly on the west wing and the swimming area, where there was also the mosaic. The mosaic is on display in Taunton since 1953 in the Somerset County Museum. In addition to this mosaic found in the villa are numerous other fragments of mosaics, but usually get much worse and decorated with geometric patterns.
