Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome

The Lown -Ganong -Levine syndrome is a 1952 described by Lown, Ganong, and Levine syndrome from the group of Präexzitationssyndrome. The clinical diagnosis was made if the following criteria: paroxysmal heart grasslands ( paroxysmal tachycardia), the ECG a shortened Reconciliation Time ( PR interval <120 ms) with normal chamber configured complex ( QRS complex ). The last point demarcates the LGL syndrome from the classical Wolff- Parkinson -White syndrome (WPW syndrome), by definition, there is a delta wave at the.

The original assumption, the LGL syndrome lies a clear, defined disturbance in the conduction system to reason as the eg is the case with WPW syndrome, has not proved to be true in elektrophsyiologischen studies.

The clinical significance of the LGL syndrome is low, especially since you can perform a detailed investigation of the underlying cause of a Präexzitationssyndroms since the introduction of electrophysiological examination of the conduction system.
