
The diamond, a standing on the top rectangle, generally an acute angled diamond (diamond ), is a relatively common symbol, sign or emblem.

Fonts and Symbol, character set,

In 8- bit character set Macintosh Roman the hash is present at position D7hex. Therefore, the corresponding Unicode character U 25 CA lozenge contained in many popular fonts ( eg Arial, Times New Roman or Linux Libertine ) and can be easily represented on the major computer systems thus.

In Unicode, several diamond-shaped characters are included:

  • Graphic characters:
  • Symbols:
  • Other:


  • In calculating machines subtotals key is marked with a diamond symbol. In this function, the hash is standardized in DIN ISO 7000 " Graphical symbols for facilities " as a symbol ISO 7000-0650 " Subtotal".
  • Hazards are often diamond-shaped ( often combined with the warning colors of red / orange / yellow), as hazmat in the systems ADR, GHS, U.S. DOT or NFPA 704 (hazard diamond ). The form is considered " alarming " as approximately round or (lying ) quadratic forms. Your use of the triangle corresponds to the extent of warnings for road safety and labor protection.
  • Traffic signs are often diamond-shaped in the U.S. and in Japan. In Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other European countries, this form is an explicit feature of the traffic sign for priority ( precedence ).
  • In heraldry, a distinction between the diamond and the Awakening, the latter is more slender, with no precise definition.

Diamond and double cross

The name " diamond " is occasionally used for the character # ( pound sign ) is used, although this character is not diamond-shaped. The double cross was used in screen text addresses and descriptions in this mostly referred to as "hash" (example: ).
