Lozi people

The Lozi, also traffic controller or Rotse, are a tribe living mainly in Zambia, and to a lesser extent in Angola and Namibia. It migrated in the 17th century when the tribe Aalui from the territory of the present Democratic Republic of the Congo and lived first on the river Kabompo, 300 km north-east of its current settlement area.

There, people still live this people. Middle of the 19th century some of them migrated from Kabompo to the Zambezi, where they throw the 1864 Makololo and build the Kingdom of Barotse could. It is not clear whether they were themselves conquered by the Makololo temporarily. Your governmental organization formed only out after 1864. It consists of three levels: the members of the royal court, who were responsible for the observance of the rites and acceptance of the tribute of conquered tribes, the area chiefs who acted as judge and tribute local officials, and the officers in subject places the order kept up. Constant conflicts, there were only the people on the Kafue.

A minority of Lozi settled in Ostangola, in Moxico provinces and Cuando Cubango. In South West Africa (later Namibia ) judged the apartheid government of South Africa in 1974 an autonomous homeland for the Lozi one. It was initially called the eastern Caprivi, later renamed the Lozi. With the independence of Namibia in 1990, it was abolished.

The Lozi are predominantly Christians, but also exert a traditional religion that knows a raptured to heaven Creator God Nyambi. He shows up as the sun, his wife Nailele as the moon. Based on this idea, her kingship developed.
