Luceafărul (poem)

Luceafarul ( The Evening Star ) is one of the most famous works of the Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu. For the first time the poem in 1883 in Almanahul societăţii studenţeşti România Juna was in Vienna, afterwards published in Convorbiri lite rare.

In poetic work, the love between the immortal star and a princess is portrayed. Eminescu wrote eight years at Luceafarul.

The poem is based on the German publication of a Romanian folk tale by Richard Kunisch, Bucharest and Istanbul. Sketches from Hungary, Romania and Turkey, Berlin ( 1861). Eminescu had come across this story in Berlin, where he already 1873/74 began with the processing of the substance under the title Fata -n Gradina de aur. 1882 after Eminescu " Luceafarul " had read in Junimea circle, Mite Kremnitz translated it into German.

Luceafarul is considered with its 98 verses of the World Record Academy as the longest love poem
