Lucius Cornelius Scipio (consul 259 BC)

Lucius Cornelius Scipio was a politician of the Roman Republic from the distinguished gens Cornelia and one of the first of the Scipios, the most famous branch of the family.

In a not precisely known year he was kurulischer aedile before BC, during the First Punic War, was consul in the year 259. As commander in chief, he conquered the city Aleria in Corsica and Sardinia took up the brave defended by the Carthaginians Olbia almost entirely. After the Roman victory him a triumph was granted. The following year, 258 BC Scipio was censor. He dedicated the Roman goddess Tempestas storm a temple, because his fleet had been spared in the war of storms.

On his sarcophagus, the oldest poetic Elogium the Scipionengräber is obtained in which, however, his triumph is not mentioned.


  • Consul ( Roman Republic )
  • Censor
  • Cornelier
  • Born on the 4th or 3rd century BC
  • Died in the 3rd century BC
  • Man