Lucius Valerius Claudius Acilius Priscillianus Maximus

Lucius Valerius Claudius Acilius Priscilianus Maximus was a Roman politician and senator of the 3rd century.

Valerius came from Italic aristocracy. Furthermore, it is assumed that the relationship with the Acilii Glabriones. Probably Valerius was the son of Valerius Messala, a proconsul under Maximinus Thrax. Prior to his praetorian career Valerius triumvir monetarum was Quaestor urbanus ( Stadtquästor ), Quaestor tutelaris in an unknown province and Praetor.

In the year 233 Valerius was ordinary consul. When comes Valerius was traveling companion of Pupienus. Then in the year 255 he was Praefectus urbi and finally, in 256 consul again.

Valerius is seen as a representative of the Roman Uradels in opposition to Maximinus Thrax, who was thus elected to the Senate commission of Vigintiviri. He felt himself a descendant of the Republican Valerii maximi, as the name of his son Lucius Valerius Maximus Poplicola Balbinus shows, which refers to the legendary Consul of the early republic Poplicola. Valerius was also Curator Laurentium Labinatium, a priesthood.
