Lucrezia Tornabuoni

Lucrezia Tornabuoni ( born June 22, 1425 Florence, † March 28, 1482 ibid ) was an Italian poet, synonymously, the wife of the banker and politician Piero and mother of Lorenzo and Giuliano from the house of Medici.

Her parents were Francesco di Simone di Niccolo di Nanna Tornabuoni and Luigi Guicciardini, her brother the merchant and banker Giovanni Tornabuoni. 1444 she married Piero, which was to seal the alliance between the two families. Furthermore, they evaluated as members of the nobility to the bourgeois Medici. She had six children, of whom the two youngest still died in infancy, together with Piero. The surviving children were:

  • Bianca (1445-1488)
  • Lucrezia (1448-1493)
  • Lorenzo (1449-1492)
  • Giuliano (1453-1478)

Lucrezia also attracted Piero's illegitimate daughter Maria along with their biological children. Their descendants include Pope Clement VII and the French Queen Catherine. She wrote some sonnets, have been handed down.
