Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum

Throw Zabel (also Trictrac / backgammon or Puff ) is a medieval dice board game. The old word Zabel means " game board " and derives from Latin tabula "board ", " panel " back - just like the word table.

The term originally by Puff mimics the sound of the falling dice. Vulgar expression for House of Pleasure goes again to the name of the game back that was played earlier in these homes - so you went to the games, " to puff".


The origins of the union Zabel be suspected in India, Persia, and in ancient Egypt. The Romans knew it under the name Ludus duodecim scriptorum ( "Twelve line game" ) or tab. Around 1180 tables for this game are first mentioned in German speaking countries. Middle of the 15th century showed that besides chess also throw Zabel boards were to be found in the most noble houses. From the throw Zabel game is the modern backgammon, whose game board and rules are derived directly from the medieval version developed.


Various rules of the game from the 13th century are going on in the Libro de juegos ( " Book of Games " ) Alfons to find the ways. In contrast to backgammon and its numerous variants all the pieces are first dices on the board when Puff or throw Zabel. It is basically always pulled the smaller number of eyes two dice. If this is not possible (due to a blockage ), the opponent is on the train. After a Pasch four times the diced Pasch ( for example, 4 × 2) then the opposite Pasch ( for example, 4 × 5 ) are first drawn and also pulled four times. Can not be pulled all the way to the end of the Pasch, the opponent is again with the roll the dice. It follows, an additional litter.

Special rules are there as well, if a player wins twelve points without intervening at all that his opponent scores ( predicament ).

There are two main variants:

  • When Konträrzabel or Gegenpuff of a player starts on field 1 and his opponent on field 12a or 24
  • In the long Zabel or long puff both players start on field 1 and go from there to field 12 or 24

In the Black Forest, the long Puff has survived to this day under the name Brettle and is promoted around Furtwangen again.

Other variants

  • When Russian Puff the player, once he has two stones in the field, choose whether he wants to move on with this or wants to use more stones.
  • When Dutch Puff no player may capture an opponent's stone before it has its own stone drawn to the last wave of the opposing bet field.
  • Kotra or Kvátrutafl is an Old Icelandic brand of litter Zabel.
  • Tric Trac is a French variant that spread throughout Europe in the 16th century.


The phrase " in someone's good books " as a synonym for " great sympathy for someone who " goes back to the litter Zabel game. In the game, it is important to place the stones well. Who this succeeded so had views of profit and success.

Presumably also a native of the French expression predicament on the game back ( see below).
