Luis Altamirano

Luis Altamirano Talavera (* 1876 in Concepción, † 1938) was a Chilean general and politician. He held office briefly as dictatorial President of his country.

Altamirano made ​​a career officer who in 1924 also led him into politics. As an army general, he sat before the Comité Ejecutivo, which vehemently represented the interests of the army against President Arturo Alessandri in the meeting at the presidential palace La Moneda on September 5, 1924. As Alessandri had to resign under pressure from the army leadership on September 11, 1924, the victorious military junta proclaimed the General Altamirano as the new President, who immediately formed a cabinet in accordance with the Army interests. He retained the portfolio of the Interior Ministry, which he Alessandri had been transferred shortly before his own resignation.

The junta Altamirano dissolved the Congress and ruled with dictatorial means to January 23, 1925. Then increased the differences within the military leadership, for three days in January took over Pedro Pablo Dartnell Encina the presidency of the Junta, and from 27 January had first ruled in 1925 again elected President Alessandri, General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo to from European exile recalled to office.

Little is known about the rest of the year in the life of Luis Altamiranos.

Manuel Blanco | Ramón Freire | Francisco Antonio Pinto | José Joaquín Prieto Vial | Manuel Bulnes | Manuel Montt | José Joaquín Pérez | Federico Errazuriz | Aníbal Pinto | Domingo Santa María | Manuel Balmaceda | Jorge Montt | Federico Errazuriz | Germán Riesco | Pedro Montt | Ramón Barros | Juan Luis Sanfuentes | Arturo Alessandri | Emiliano Figueroa | Carlos Ibáñez | Juan Esteban Montero | Carlos Dávila | Arturo Alessandri | Pedro Aguirre Cerda | Juan Antonio Ríos | Gabriel González | Carlos Ibáñez | Jorge Alessandri | Eduardo Frei Montalva | Salvador Allende | Augusto Pinochet | Patricio Aylwin | Eduardo Frei Ruiz - Tagle | Ricardo Lagos | Michelle Bachelet | Sebastian Pinera | Michelle Bachelet

  • President ( Chile)
  • Minister of the Interior (Chile)
  • Military person (Chile)
  • Chilean
  • Born 1876
  • Died in 1938
  • Man