Lumen Christi

Lumen Christi (Latin for " Light of Christ " ) is a call from the liturgy of the Easter Vigil. The German version is: Christ the Light.

The call is part of the celebration of light at the beginning of the Easter Vigil Vigil. Having previously blessed the Easter and the Easter candle was prepared, the Easter candle is lit by the priest at the fire. Subsequently, the head of worship and liturgical services pull with the Easter candle in the dark church. During the procession to the altar room collection is done by the deacon, the priest or the cantor three times the reputation Lumen Christi, the community of the Deo Gratias each with is ( thank God! ) Answered. The call is for each repetition a tone higher than the previous intoned. At the same time the church is illuminated by the altar candles are lit with the fire of the Easter candle first and then the light on all the faithful who hold candles in their hands spread of the liturgical services.
