Luther Thomas

Luther Thomas ( born June 23, 1950 in St. Louis, † September 8, 2009 ) was an American alto saxophonist of the avant-garde jazz.

Life and work

Thomas first worked with musicians in the environment of the Black Artists Group in his hometown. In 1979 he was a member of the Saint Louis Creative Ensemble, in which Joseph Bowie and Rasul Siddik played. He also played in the Human Arts Ensemble with Bowie, Charles Bobo Shaw, John Lindberg and James Emery. With its formation, the Saint Louis Ceative ensemble he joined in 1979 at the New Jazz Festival Moers. In 1981 he toured there with the formation Dizzaz, the processed also radio - elements. He also played with James Chance and the Contortions, with whom he appeared in Moers 1997.

Disco Graphical Notes

  • Human Arts Ensemble: Junk Trap ( Black Saint, 1978)
  • Human Arts Ensemble :: Live, Vol 1 (Circle, 1978)
  • Luther Thomas and Dizzaz: Yo ' Momma ( Moers, 1981)
  • Luther Thomas Quintet: Do not Tell! ( with Ted Daniel, Charles Eubanks, Wilber Morris, Denis Charles)
  • Bagín It ( CIMP, 1996) with Ted daniel, Wilber Morris, Dennis Charles